Voltage Awareness

Voltage Awareness

As another safety precaution, Protran Technology supplies state-of-the-art voltage testers for third rail and catenary systems. Each product provides a different level of safety to allow roadway workers to safety test the presence of voltage on the railroad. Listed below are various voltage awareness products that cover different issues in the railroad environment.

the pro hot stick™

The Pro Hotstick™

ThePro Hotstick™ was designed to meet the 12” rule and give transit workers the ability to verify the presence and range of voltage. The unit has the redundancy of an audible and visual alarm with voltage range notification. The unit is also tested to 1500 VDC. No batteries are required.


MiniPro PLUS™

Protran supplies state-of-the-art voltage testers for third rail and catenary systems. The MiniPro PLUS™ gives transit workers the ability to safely verify the presence and range of voltage. The unit has the redundancy of an audible alarm, in addition to six LEDs.



The Protran ProCaT™ was designed to give transit workers the ability to safely verify the presence of voltage on overhead catenary systems. The ProCaT™ has a digital voltage meter to indicate up to 1000VDC. The unit has several redundancies to ensure performance. Unit is equipped with 1500VDC surge suppression. This product is ideal for outdoor use but not in inclement weather.


ProTR™ & TR Pro™

We have different models available. Please refer to product brochure below for model and voltage specifications.


Shunting Device

The Protran Shunting Device was designed to provide a redundant safety system for track workers. If the shunt ever becomes disconnected, a visual and audible alarm activates to let the workers know that no shunting is in place. The system can also send an alert to any workers wearing a Personal Alert Device or Flagger Device.





The ProPower is an independent 750VDC source for the testing/verifying of Protran Technology and other safety equipment. The Protran Technology ProPower is a portable 750VDC @ 20 MA power supply and is designed to allow transit workers the ability to safely test our voltage awareness equipment independently from the main power source of the Catenary wire and Third Rail. NEC requires that testing of equipment for live DC be done by an independent source. Testing should be performed indoors in a clean and dry environment.


facility lights

Facility Lights

Protran provides a variety of reliable facility lights used for operation on track. Each facility light product indicates the presence of dangerous voltage.